Live in optimal health and feel your best every day!

Your journey towards achieving happiness, health, balance, and purpose, starts here.

In this fast-paced, modern world we live in, we rarely take a moment for ourselves. A moment to recognise and acknowledge that our lives are more than the day-to-day activities that leave us feeling overweight, overwhelmed and at times unfulfilled. I make it my purpose to help you reconnect with yourself. To understand that you are more than the job you fulfill each day, or the various roles you play. Living a life of balance and fulfilment is more than looking at what’s on your physical and metaphorical plate – it’s about relationships, connection, emotions, your physical and spiritual wellbeing. Are you ready to prioritise yourself, so that those around you benefit from your position of strength?

Live in optimal health and feel your best every day!

Your journey towards achieving happiness, health, balance, and purpose, starts here.

In this fast-paced, modern world we live in, we rarely take a moment for ourselves. A moment to recognise and acknowledge that our lives are more than the day-to-day activities that leave us feeling overweight, overwhelmed and at times unfulfilled. I make it my purpose to help you reconnect with yourself. To understand that you are more than the job you fulfil each day, or the various roles you play. Living a life of balance and fulfilment is more than looking at what’s on your physical and metaphorical plate – it’s about relationships, connection, emotions, your physical and spiritual wellbeing. Are you ready to prioritise yourself, so that those around you benefit from your position of strength?

I make it my mission to empower women with the knowledge and experience of what life feels like when you are living with vitality and with purpose every day.

– Leane Adolph –

Get Ready For Change

Revitalised Health Programs

Life Transformation Program

I help individuals and organisations to achieve optimal performance by taking a whole-life approach to wellbeing.


A personalised approach to developing a strategic plan to achieve your unique goals 


Helping you to recognise what you need and how to achieve it 


Helping you with goal-setting and creating a plan of action to achieve your goals  


Developing your self-awareness for improved decision-making, better communication and regulated emotions


Helping you with accountability to ensure that your goals are achieved 

Client Feedback

Leoni Buntting

Leane is an amazing coach. She helped me uncover my barriers to success and coached me on solutions to overcome these. She kept me accountable and checked in regularly to see if I was still on course or if I needed support. She explained the information in a simplified manner making it easy for me to understand. She assessed my unique needs and requirements and tailored the sessions to support me and to provide the most value for me.

To read the full testimonial click HERE

Fiona Chetty

When I started this journey, I was not in the best emotional state. Now at the end I have healthy work boundaries, I have changed the way I eat to a way that is flexible to me and I have more energy, drive and happiness than I have had in a year! The feeling of heaviness has also lifted, and my mind is so much clearer. Since making the changes and gaining the insights I needed through this process with Leane I have also experienced a drop in weight (all my clothes were previously tight, but I’m slowly starting to fit back into them). What I have learnt on this programme about health and about myself has been eye opening and invaluable!

To read the full testimonial click HERE

Yelanda Mitchell

Where do I even begin! One thing I kept saying towards the last few sessions was that I feel like a brand new person. Born- again, invigorated and filled with a sense of purpose and passion for the future. This course has been lifechanging. The material and level of engagement has been consistently interesting and challenged me beyond my expectations. Leane has been all round amazing. She followed up on a regular basis to see how she could support me and constantly encouraged me. I felt comfortable at all times and free to speak my heart in a vulnerable way, which I benefited from.

I honestly wish everyone could do a course such as this.

I would recommend her and this course to anyone and everyone.

To read the full testimonial click HERE

Be The CEO Of Your Health

Taking charge of your own health and wellbeing is all within reach and within your control. Here are some simple guidelines to make this possible in your busy lifestyle.

Click here to download your free copy because every day should be your best day

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